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Penny is a college educated, middle class Texan, from, uhm, Texas. Alex is a self educated Railway worker from England. Penny writes very very slowly, where as alex writes quite fast when he has the inclantion to do so. Dispite being from a country that spells phoneticly she spells better then he does. The bad spelling on this site is his fault and he'll fix it some time.... really he will.

We met through Fanfiction.net and plan to marry at some time around Christmass.

What this Site is for
This site is part of the home on the net that I plan to build for all my work, (the name sort of gives that aay ...)This site will be the hub of anything i put up, and annoucments will be made here when i add somthing. Saying that I have a good deal less time to write now then in the past. If you want to be put on a notification list Email me at Blackmarblesphere@yahoo.co.uk and I'll inform you of updates.

My About page is also a great place to give information about others involved with my site’s topic, such as the leaders of my organization, club, or company; an ancestor; my family; and so forth.

My email address

Links to Other Sites
My Fan Fiction account